Reaching Students in Kyrgyzstan for Christ's sake

About us

Hello, my name is Nurlan.

I thought about what would happen after death at the age of 14-15, and began to look for answers. Since I live in a Muslim country, I began to research salvation in Islam, and after a lot of research, I realized that all people will go to hell. I thought logically if everyone goes to hell then why try to live a righteous life if everyone has the same end and everyone goes to hell. I lost all meaning of life and hit all the hard ones, I began to live only one day and try everything that this life offers, sex, drugs, etc. And around the same time, because of one story, I made myself an insensitive person, I liked it for a while, but after 5-6 years I realized what a terrible mistake I had done, it was the last nail in my, so, hopeless life I stopped hoping that I could be saved and resigned myself to a bad end. When I was 19 years old, I wanted to join the army and it so happened that a war began between our country and the terrorists, there were many deadly moments for me and, as I said earlier, I did not feel fear, but I understood that if I die, then this is the end of everything, for all the time I was not even scratched and this suggested that God was saving me. I returned from the army having done my duty and while looking for a job I met a guy, his name was Uluk and through him I heard about Jesus. He invited me to a bible study group and I started attending it, one day I read "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." — John 3:16. This verse turned everything in my life, all my disappointments and hopelessness began to break down, I was afraid to believe it, I was afraid that all this might not be true, (what if I believe and it turns out not to be true?) I did not want to hope and be disappointed again. I began to painstakingly and carefully study the Bible, looking for confirmation that this was only a deception, but every time I came across the words “whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame” Romans 10:11. After half a year, I realized that Jesus is who He claims to be and decided to accept Him as my savior and did it on the night of March 21, 2001. My life began to change the very next day and is still changing. God has done so much in my life that it is impossible to count everything, my whole life is not enough to thank Him and glorify Him. I have now been a CRU staff for over 11 years and I love how students come to Christ and change their lives just like mine.

My name is Aiperi

I grew up in a family of nominal Muslims, like most people in Kyrgyzstan. My father drank a lot, because of alcohol there was no peace in the house. And I began to dream of demons, as if those demons controlled my father. Therefore, in order to find peace, I sought God and prayed. When I was 18, I went to university and went to another city to study. There I first heard about Jesus through my father's relatives and after a while I received Him in my heart as my God and Savior. After I believed, I did not go to church because I did not know that it was very important, but I had a car accident and at that moment I clearly understood that Jesus saved me and I did not get injured. After the accident, I prayed to Jesus with all my heart and mind and thanked everyone for surviving. From that day on, I began to get to know Jesus more and learn to rely on him. After some time, I met CRU workerks and through them God began to grow me spiritually. And in 2016, I was invited to be a intern in this organization, and a year later I became an staff and got married. Now I have many students and some of them are already CRU staff. I have two wonderful children, the eldest boy his name is Aslan and girl her name is Evelina.

God changed not only my life, but also the life of my family, I prayed for my father for a year, and he stopped drinking. I shared the gospel with my youngest sister Gulsana, and she accepted Jesus, now she is also a CRU staff. This is only a small part of everything that God does in my life.

Our children

  • Aslan 4 yo

  • Evelina 3 yo

At the moment, God has called us to serve in the city of Jalal-Abad, we work with students, hold various events and build relationships through this, and then invite them to a meeting and share the Gospel. God works abundantly among the students, and this year more than ten students repented, a home group was formed, and men's ministry began. We see how God works through our team and we want to make even more efforts to spread the Gospel among the students of Jalal Abad, Kyrgyzstan and to the ends of the earth.

More life-changing stories here

You can also watch a video about our ministry

Partnership with us

Campus Crusade for Christ

100 Hart Lake Drive Orlando,FL 32832

For Nurlan and Aiperi

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