Here you will find testimonies of people whose lives have been changed through our service to Jesus Christ

Hello my name is Uson.

From childhood I knew God is exist but I didn't trust to any religion, around me were muslim people, because I were born in muslim country. But for me muslim was to complicated religion from physical point of view, 5 times praying it's seemed to me hard and strange, but I turned to God when I had a problems and tough situations. When I heard about Jesus from one person I didn't believed for all the words what he said, because every believer profs his religion is truth.

After while that person told me three irrefutable evidence that this religion is truth. All of these evidences were to me weighty and forced me to think deep. After while, but I want to believe and accept Jesus to my life, but something is interfered me inside, something resisted. Glory to God person that shared to me he always prays for me and after while I become to faith. To this day God is shows to me His love also to others through me.

Hi. My name is Adilet.

Before I met Jesus my life was terrible. I did a lot of bad things, drank, smoked and had no goal in life. During my first year of studies in Jalal-Abad, I didn't do my home work and I chose a wrong path. But everything changed in my second year after I met Nurlan Baike. He invited me to go out with him and told me about himself. His life changed dramatically after he accepted Jesus, I was impressed. And he asked me “Do you want to change your life?”, I answered yes, and he began to talk about four spiritual truths, I listened carefully and agreed with everything and accepted Jesus as my Savior and God.

Since that time my life has changed and is changing, God opened my eyes to many things, to my view of this world. I started doing the right thing in many areas of my life. Now God wants me to grow spiritually, to share about Him with others and to be an exemplary Christian. I am thankful to Jesus for everything!

Hi, my name is Orozbek.

Like everyone in Kyrgyzstan I have considered myself a Muslim since birth. My close friend and his family were strong Muslims and so he knew a lot about Islam and often told me about it. My family are nominal Muslims and didn't even read namaz and so I didn't even think about life after death. But after my friend started telling me I started wondering where I would go after death, but there was no desire to go to the mosque and read namaz, just to avoid offending my friend I started going to the mosque and reading namaz. Once he told me that after death God will weigh his good deeds and bad deeds. If there are more bad deeds then he will go to hell, and if there are more good deeds then he will go to paradise, also if I go to hell, then after the expiration of punishment I will be moved to paradise. I thought, so anyway I will still go to heaven. But I thought I was a good person.

After a while I finished school and became a college student. And one day we had an interesting seminar, I went there and met Nurlan, he invited me to board games. I started attending the games and I liked being there. After some time Nurlan invited me to dinner and we had an interesting conversation, I told him about myself and then he shared about his life. He told me what a terrible person he was in the past and that at one point his life was changed completely in a good way and asked me the question "Do you want to know Who changed my life?". I said yes I do and he told me about Jesus and His death and resurrection. I didn't believe him. He invited me to spiritual lessons, and I agreed, I was drawn there, and I did not understand why, in the process of taking the lessons my eyes were opened that Jesus is really God and Savior, and I accepted Jesus as my savior with all my heart.

From that day on, my life began to change dramatically, my character was changed, my thinking was changed, and all areas of my life began to change, I started attending church and CRU student home group regularly. God showed me many ares of my life I had not seen before and I began to grow spiritually. I am now a Student Home Group Leader and I am thinking about how to serve God in the future. I am very thankful to God for everything.

Matthew   6:25 - 31   NIV  

Hello my name is Ruzanna

I'm 17 years old, it's already 3 month as I believe to Jesus Christ. In February my friend acquaint me with Aigerim and trough her I become to faith. Before I come to faith I had many questions, we are God's slavers and how much he is terrible? But Aigerim calm down me by saying it's wrong, God loves you and Jesus died for you to prof his love. After this words I were so happy and it was reason to believe Jesus. After that I start to go to church and to students home group, Gods word so much impacting to me that I started to look people from different prospective.

Thank you for listening my short testimony. Bye!

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